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Prizes and Published Shortlisted and Longlisted Stories 

Top Table, winner Frome Festival competition for local writers 2011, long listed Ink Tears 2013.


Rain in Morecambe, 2nd prize SHE/This Morning short story competition 2009


Grounded, 2nd prize Worcester Literature Festival flash competition 2013 and published in Flashes of Fiction.


A Birthday Treat, 2nd place 999 words competition 99 Fiction 2014


An Inheritance, 2nd place Frome Festival competition for local writers 2012, top ten place 'Woman and Home' magazine short story competition 2012


Robbed, 2nd place NAWG 100 word comp,  May 2016


Processing, 2nd prize, HISSAC flash comp, October 2018 link

Cabbage Pie, 2nd prize Reflex Fiction, November 2022 link


Raw Deal, 3rd place Frome Festival competition for local writers 2009


A Rescue, 3rd place Writers' Forum October 2013 competition, published in Writers' Forum issue 147


A Weekend Away, 3rd place NFFD micro competition 2015 link


Sweat and Tears, Top five place in League of Extraordinary Writers flash competition 2012, published by FlashFlood 2013 link


Striking a Deal, Highly Commended Ink Tears Flash Competition 2013. Published in their anthology Splashes of Ink 2019


Like a Mother, Highly Commended in Erewash short story competition 2016, subsequently published in Black Pear Anthology On the Day of the Dead


Clearing the Air, Honorary Mention in Five Stop Story December 2012 and published on their phone app and website.


Something Better, Honorary Mention in Five Stop Story June 2012 and published on their phone app and website.


Something in Common, Honorary Mention in Five Stop Story October 2012 and published on their phone app and website.


A Day or Two, runner up in Hysteria 2014 Flash Competition and published in Hysteria 3


A Delicate Operation, runner up in Hysteria 2014 Flash Competition and published in Hysteria 3


An Education, runner up in Writers' Forum March 2015 Flash comp


Free Range, Honorary Mention Five Stop Story 2013, Commended Mid-Somerset Festival, shortlisted Doris Gooderson


Playing House, shortlisted in Worcester Litfest 2014 Flash Competition and published in Fifty Flashes of Fiction


Closing the Door, selected for the inaugural Speakeasy Bath event and performed on 28 April 2016, longlisted Bath Flash Fiction Award 2015 and published in their flash anthology To Carry Her Home Feb 2017


Unbalanced, shortlisted for 99Fiction April 2014 Flash Competition and published on their website


Stopping In, shortlisted in Black Pear 2014 short story competition and published in their anthology Seaglass and Other Stories


From Memory, shortlisted in Worcs LItfest 2015 flash competition and published in their anthology A Stash of Flashes


Deposed, shortlisted for Worcs LitFest flash competition 2016 and published in their anthology in the anthology A Cache of Flashes


Saturday Nights, shortlisted in Retreat West annual competition. Published in their anthology What was Left in autumn 2017. Subsequently published in 2018 FlashFlood link   Published in Ellipses 5, e2019

Six Months Yesterday, shortlisted for Bath Flash Award and published in their anthology The Lobsters Run Free 2017. Longlisted Ink Tears 2018


My Dad, shortlisted in Worcs LIt Fest 2018 and published in their anthology Sacrifice


Dividing Time, shortlisted as one of 22 stories published as part of New Zealand's micro madness competition 2018. link

Dancing, shortlisted in Bath Flash Fiction Award and published in Restore to Factory Settings in December 2020

No Record, shortlisted in New Zealand's Micro Madness 2021 and published on their website link


Chipping Away, longlisted in Flashbang 2014 flash competition and published on their website (link)


Another Country, longlisted in Worcester Literature Festival flash competition 2013 and published in Flashes of Fiction


Just Perfect, longlisted in Bath Flash Competition and published in their anthology Things Left And Found By The side Of The Road

Office Politics, selected for performance at Story Fridays, Bath and performed on 9 January 2015, previously longlisted in Greenacre Writers November 2014 competition

Thirst, longlisted in Bath Flash Fiction Award and published in their anthology With One Eye on the Cows

All Wrong, longlisted in Bath Flash Fiction Award published in the 2021 anthology Snow Crow

Paying Heed, longlisted in New Zealand's Micro Madness 2023 and published on their website link to video

Dulwich, 1943, longlisted in Bath Flash Fiction Award 2024. Now published in William Prichard & Co






A Fair Exchange, published in The Yellow Room issue 7

Calling Time, published in The Yellow Room issue 9. Previously longlisted for The Fish 2010


At the Weekend, FlashFlood 2013 link


Perfect in Pink, published in Kissing Frankenstein & Other Stories 


Images, published in Scraps, the National Flash Fiction Day anthology 2013, published in New Flash Fiction Review link

A Week of Tweets, published in issue 55 of Mslexia link


Launch Pad, published in Eating My Words, the National Flash Fiction Day anthology 2014. Previously shortlisted in Flash 500 and Retreat West flash competitions

Not a Bean, published in Flashes of Fiction 2014


Moving On, published in Fifty Flashes of Fiction 2014


The Right Recipe, published in FlashFlood 2015 link


A New Route, published in A Stash of Flashes in November 2015


Art Appreciation, published in A Stash of Flashes in November 2015


A Collection, published in A Box of Stars Beneath the Bed' the National Flash Fiction Day anthology 2016. Longlisted Ink Tears 2017. Previously shortlisted for Flash 500. Performed on 100voices100 years website: linkPerformed on Radio Bristol in November 2018, re-published in 100 Voices anthology 2022


Matching,  published on FlashFlood on 25 June 2016 link


Searching, published in A Cache of Flashes, Worcs Lit Fest anthology in November 2016


Apple Picking, published in Firefly online mag, issue 9 link


Cheese, Perfume, published in the inaugural DNA print magazine in May 2017 link


Dancing Partners, published in Sleep is a Beautiful Colour, the 2017 National Flash Fiction Day anthology. Longlisted Ink Tears 2018. Prior to publication it was shortlisted in Flash 500 and TSS Flash 500


Ballet Lessons,  published in the 2017 Worcs Lit Fest flash anthology Wired

Home Comforts,  published in the 2017 Worcs Lit Fest flash anthology Wired


Freedom of Expression,  published in 2017 Worcs Lit Fest flash anthology Wired


Domestic Science, published in DNA magazine issue two link


Finding a Way, published in Flash Fiction Festival  One


A Picnic in the Park, published in 2018 National Flash Fiction Day anthology Ripening

A Long Way Away, published by FlashBack Fiction. You can read or listen to it here: link


Dressing with Care,  published in the Worcs Lit Fest anthology Sacrifice


Playing the Right Tune, published in the Worcs Lit Fest anthology Sacrifice

Haggis, published in Flash Fiction Festival Two

Odette,  published in 2019's NFFD anthology And We Pass Through 

Emboldened, published in 2019's NFFD FlashFlood link

Another World, published in Flash Fiction Festival Three

Dance of the Cuckoos, published in issue 2 of Splonk magazine link

Worth a Try, published in NFFD anthology Root, Branch, Tree link to video

Support,  published in the 2021 NFFD anthology Legerdemain link to video 

Number 43,  published on 30 June 2021 in Ellipsis Zine link 

Idle,  published in Ellipsis Zine 11 In the Body of the Whale, spring 2022

All I hear, published in Flash Fiction Festival Four

Pushed Around,  published in the 2022 NFFD anthology And We Lived Happily Ever After  link to video 

The New Hospital for Women, published in Sundial  magazine link

They Wouldn't Believe, published in Flash Fiction Festival Five

Christmas Eve, published in Ellipsis 13 Hoochie Coochie

Under Water published in the 2023 NFFD anthology Scratching the Sands

Someone Might Know, published in Flash Fiction Festival Six

A Deep Breath, published in the 2024 NFFD anthology Tiny Sparks Everywhere

The New Hospital for Women, published in Across the Moors and Tides anthology


A Twenty-Four-Hour Pass, will be published in Flash Fiction Festival Seven 


Other Published Stories

Non Fiction Publications

Remembering Peter Fuller, published in Art Influence online magazine.

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