My flash fiction novella An Inheritance was published by V. Press on 28 February 2020. There was a launch in Bath on 29 February 2020 and an online launch on 2 March 2020.
Readings from the anthology can be accessed here
If you would like to order a signed copy of An Inheritance, please email me at scooterwriter@gmail.com for payment details.
ISBN: 978-1-9161096-5-0
44 pages
R.R.P. £6.50
Postage to the UK is £1.50. For other parts of the world please email me for cost.
Copies are also available from The Oldfield Park Bookshop, Bath and from the publisher V.Press.
An Inheritance is a gem of a novella. It succeeds in spanning seventy years and four generations of one family, exquisitely capturing their relationships, secrets and divided loyalties. The historical changes wrought by each decade are delicately interwoven throughout the twists and turns within the family’s life. This captivating narrative will make you weep and smile.
Joanna Campbell
Despite large secrets and larger financial woes, one family’s superior love, kindness and understanding pulls them through the hardest of times, from generation to generation. An Inheritance is a poignant heart-warmer of a novella-in-flash and is a useful lesson in the importance of kindness in this life.
Nuala O’Connor
'... artful and profound'. I was thrilled with the review of An Inheritance by Becky Tipper from TSS. You can read it here
' ... exquisite prose'. Storgy Magazine kindly reviewed An Inheritance in August 2020. You can read it here
'... more than a story of the objects left behind, but of an era so different to our own that it’s difficult to imagine how recent it truly was'' A thoughtful review by Judy Darley that you can read here
'Entertaining and powerful ...' Mikiko Fukuda's considered review for Sabotage Reviews can be read here